Terms and Conditions
The information on this website regulates the use of www.portofortalent.com and all its contents. The user should read this information. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions you should not continue to use the website.
To any user is granted access to the website that is in www.portofortalent.com in the terms described hereafter.
The website with the address www.portofortalent.com is owned by Porto City Council.
Confidentiality of all data hosted on the servers of its responsibility is guaranteed, including the resulting files of e-mail messages, scrupulously respecting all legal requirements.
All the contents on the website, including informations, designs or trademarks have been developed by Porto City Council’s Communication Office or entities under a contract with the City Council.
The content, goods and services included in this website may be subject to exclusive rights, intellectual or industrial property belonging to the Municipality of Porto or other entities. It is strictly forbidden to copy, reproduce, modify, display, transmit or disclose, in any form or for any purpose, this website content, as well as intangible assets that are subject to exclusive rights. It is, however, allowed to those who access or use the website to copy part or all of the information contained herein for their computer provided that the copy is intended for private use and not for commercial purposes and do not delete or modify, in any way, references to duties on the contents or other entities referred to therein as being holders of exclusive rights.
It is also allowed to quote part of the texts published on the website, provided that in the final use of the information, the reference to the source is stated clearly and permanently, which should be indicated as www.portofortalent.com, Porto. For Talent.
Porto City Council is not responsible for the quality or veracity of content reproduced on Internet domains to which hypertext links refer, also called hyperlinks or links on this site and has no control over the content, products and services offered by third parties through the available hyperlinks, so the use of information obtained through them is under the user's responsibility.
The information contained in this platform is meant to assist you with inside knowledge of the Portuguese living and has been compiled from different sources - it is therefore subject to changes by different entities without prior notice. We endeavour to update this external information on a regular basis, but cannot guarantee its accuracy at all times.
The information is meant to provide you with an overview of main broad themes and local and day-to-day topics which may be useful for you to plan your move, consider options, and smoothly settle in your new host country.
Porto City Council is not liable for any faults caused by servers and direct services other than its own. However, service may be stopped for short periods of time in order to proceed with actions of conservation, maintenance, updates or any type or alteration on the network.
Porto. For Talent (www.portofortalent.com) although being a controlled and promoted website by Porto City Council, it is not the institutional website of the City Council, which is in www.cm-porto.pt and all services to citizens are provided there.